Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed extended his condolences on Wednesday to Ahmed Saleh on the death of his father, former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces visited Mr Saleh at his home in Abu Dhabi to offer his condolences to the family and pray that Allah grant the former president mercy. He also wished peace and stability on Yemen. Sheikh Mohammed was accompanied by Sheikh Saif bin Zayed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, among others. On Tuesday, two high-ranking officers loyal to Sabah were killed by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, the same group that <a href="">killed Saleh on Monday</a>. A prominent member of Saleh's General People's Congress told <em>The National</em> that Maj Gen Mahdi Makwalah and Maj Gen Abdullah Dhabaan were executed by the rebels. The <a href="">rebels also killed Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh</a>, Saleh's nephew and commander of the Republican Guard. Two of Saleh's youngest sons, Salah and Madyan, have been detained. The rebels say that the two were injured in battle but are being treated for their wounds.