DUBAI // Daniel During’s mother is the reason he is about to embark on a 6,000-kilometre culinary tour of South America.
She suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease, so while he has told her why he is taking on the challenge, her dementia means she cannot remember what he said.
Mr During, an Argentine who has lived in Dubai since 1997, is planning to start the journey across the continent on Friday to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s, while also learning more about South American cuisine.
The 53-year-old is the managing director of Thomas Klein International, a food and beverage consulting company. His nephew, Emanuel Duering, is a 28-year-old Michelin-trained chef based in Mallorca, Spain.
They hope to raise at least US $50,000 (Dh183,650) for Alzheimer’s Disease International, a London-based non-profit organisation.
When the condition was first diagnosed in Mr During’s mother, he noticed a lack of awareness about the disease.
“We want to tell people what this sickness is about and how to treat the patient,” he said. “Most people think Alzheimer’s is just forgetting things.”
The two plan to document their travels at restaurants and markets they visit along the way, using their Facebook page and blog, writing in English and Spanish. Mr Duering hopes to cook in some of them.
“It will be quite exciting to see what dishes I am able to create with whatever they have in their modest kitchens,” he said.
Starting from Buenos Aires in Argentina, they plan to first take an eight-wheeler trailer truck to Mendoza, then cross the border into Chile through the Andes Mountains on foot. Afterwards, they will head to Santiago de Chile, where they plan to buy two motorbikes and ride to Peru, through the capital Lima and ending in Cuzco.
They estimate that the trip will take about four weeks.
Mr During said the most exciting yet daunting part of the plan was the last leg, in Peru.
He said the country’s cuisine includes a lot of fresh fish as well as ingredients such as chillies, mangos, limes and lemons. It also draws a lot of influence from Peru’s large Japanese immigrant community.
Though the sum they hope to raise is large, the two are confident they will reach the target.
Mr During’s company is co-sponsoring the journey. Visit the blog, or the Facebook page for more information.