Men in UAE seeking surgery to remove ‘CEO belly’

ABU DHABI // Men are just as worried about their appearances as women and a rising number are seeking plastic surgery to perfect their looks.

Dr Roberto Viel, a plastic surgeon based at London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery, said a popular request was banishing what he called the “CEO belly”.

“There are many men who have moved into prominent positions who used to be very fit, but the demands of the job and family and heavy travelling schedules mean they do build up a ‘tyre ring’ around their waists which gets them emotionally down,” Dr Viel said.

“After we liposuction this belly away, it actually boosts their confidence immensely.”

Non-invasive Botox is another popular request, he said.

Dr Matteo Vigo, chief medical officer at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital (AACSH), has also seen a trend of men wanting to banish love handles around the hips.

“With new technologies in liposuction and body contouring, male patients can look into addressing areas of traditional stubborn fat accumulation such as the chest, love handles and the tummy,” he said.

“In fact, we are seeing increasing numbers of men visiting the hospital enquiring into what we call the ‘bodybuilding sculpture procedure’, during which new liposuction techniques are used to remove fat and ‘sculpt’ abs, creating a ‘six-pack’.

“Cosmetic procedures become less of a taboo among men and they become more informed of the various procedures available to enhance their looks.”

Dr Afschin Ghofrani said laser hair removal, liposuction, under wrinkle injection and male breast reduction topped the list of what men want.


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Demand for enhancements from men and women is continuing to grow in the UAE, especially in Dubai, which has more practitioners for each head of population than any other city. Girls as young as 13 are requesting plastic surgery as the pressure to fit society’s definition of beauty becomes too much. The most popular operations in the UAE include liposuction, breast enlargements and reductions, and facelifts. And the use of stem cells is set to make plastic surgery even more popular. Aesthetic surgery will play its part in Dubai’s ambitious plan to become a global centre for medical tourism.