The YouGov survey, commissioned by The National, questioned 1,008 people — 131 Emiratis, 287 Arab expatriates, 530 Asian expatriates and 48 Westerners and 12 others living in the seven emirates.
To help you navigate the interactive here are a list of the questions asked on each page.
Pg 1
In the past three years,do you think the level of crime in the UAE as a whole has increased, stayed about the same, or decreased?
In the past three years, do you think the level of crime in your local residential area has increased, stayed the same, or decreased?
Pg 2
What do you believe are the major causes of crime in the UAE today?
Which one of the causes mentioned do you believe is the main cause of crime in the UAE today?
How much of a problem, if at all, do you believe crime is in your local residential area?
What do you think is the most common crime in your local residential area?
Pg 3
Thinking about all types of crime, in general how worried are you aboutbeing a victim of crime in the UAE?
How security conscious have you become in the past three years?
What were the main reasons for you becoming more security conscious?
Pg 4
Your local residential area: in your opinion do you believe the level of police protection in the following emirates has increased, stayed the same or decreased over the past three years?
In general, how safe do you feel in your local residential area?
Pg 5
Which of the following security measures have you taken at your home in the UAE?
Which describes your habits when it comes to locking your car doors?
In their local residential community there are:
Pg 6
Do you usually lock your house/apartmentwhen you are inside it?
Do you usually lock your house/apartmentwhen you leave?
How safe do you feel when walking alone in the UAE?
Places in the UAE you would avoid being alone?
Pg 7
Which of the following reactions did you have as a result of an incident?
Agree / disagree with statements about the police
Pg 8
Do you think police in your emirate are doing an excellent, good, fair, poor or very poor job?
How often do you see a police officer on foot patrol in your local residential area?
Do you feel there need to be more police patrols in your local residential area?
Would you be interested in joining a neighbourhood watch crime programme in your local area?
Have you ever been a victim of crime in the UAE?
Did you report the crime when you were a victim?
Do you think your community would benefit from a neighbourhood watch crime programme?