Mind your pet manners

As more and more expatriates make the UAE their home, our culture is changing with regard to pets. Emiratis are slowly getting used to the idea of people having animals as part of their families. But it would be great if newcomers had some sensitivity to our culture, too. For instance, we understand that animals need to do their business, but owners should avoid walking their dogs around mosques.

The last thing that worshippers should have to worry about is stepping in dog waste when they go to pray. Similarly, be aware of the time you walk your dog. Taking Rover out around the Maghreb prayer is not appreciated. He might bark at the sound of the muezzin, which is distracting to the faithful, who are doing their own important business.

If you go...

Etihad flies daily from Abu Dhabi to Zurich, with fares starting from Dh2,807 return. Frequent high speed trains between Zurich and Vienna make stops at St. Anton.

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