Moon to glow red in total lunar eclipse on Saturday

DUBAI // The moon is expected to glow red this weekend in the last full lunar eclipse the region will see for three years.

The event will be entirely visible at sunset, about 5.20pm, on Saturday and will last about an hour.

Members of the Dubai Astronomy Group are inviting star-gazers to join them for the occasion, at a location to be announced on the group's website this week.

The lunar eclipse will be the last one visible in the region until 2014. The most recent one was in June this year.

"It's a good opportunity as we won't see the full event again for several years," said Hasan Al Hariri, the head of the astronomy group. "However, there will be a partial eclipse in 2012.

"It will be very easy to see it on Saturday. You don't need to wait until late at night as you can start seeing this around sunset.

"We will be having some activities but you don't really need to go to any specific location. Everyone will be able to see it from their houses."

Mr Al Hariri said the star-gazing event was originally scheduled to be held at the group's desert camp in Zubair, Sharjah, but it had been decided to move the site to Dubai because the camp was too remote.

"We will be putting the details on our website as soon as a decision is made," he said.