So have you been paying attention to the news this week? Why not try your hand at our new Quiz of the Week. If you get stuck on any question check out the clue links at the bottom of the quiz where you can go hunting for clues to the answers. Good luck. Stuck on a question? Browse these links for clues. 1) <a href=" ">Click here for clue</a> 2) <a href=" ">Click here for clue</a> 3) <a href=" ">Click here for clue</a> 4) <a href=" ">Click here for clue</a> 5) <a href=" ">Click here for clue</a> 6) <a href=" ">Click here for clue</a> 7) <a href="">Click here for clue</a> So how many did you get right? For the answers click here.