Firemen gather around a burnt out 1996 Chevy Camaro that went up in flames on 15th Street.
Firemen gather around a burnt out 1996 Chevy Camaro that went up in flames on 15th Street.

Car bursts into flames

ABU DHABI // A white Chevrolet Camaro caught fire on a busy city street this afternoon, disrupting traffic and drawing a crowd of schoolchildren to the side of the road. Its driver, Sami Auwad, 32, was not injured in the blaze but the 1996 model car was completely destroyed by the time emergency crews arrived at the scene on 15th Street near Airport Road. Mr Awaud, from Canada, did not know what started the fire but said the car's engine had cut out and he had smelt petrol moments before flames started licking out from under the bonnet of the car. He got out of the car and stood at the side of the road, asking passing motorists for a fire extinguisher as the flames grew, sending a plume of smoke into the air. "All of a sudden the bonnet caught on fire," he said. "At least I came out of it alive." Fire trucks, police patrol vehicles and an ambulance were on the scene by about 3pm, about half an hour after the fire had started, Mr Awaud said. The fire left scorched a nearby 30-foot tree at the side of the road, burning most of the leaves. Youngsters from the nearby International School of Choueifat watched as crews doused down the vehicle and cleared the road of shards of glass.