A motorist had to be rescued by police after his whose cruise control failed while driving at 130 kph on a motorway to Dubai. The driver was passing Al Rahba area, in Abu Dhabi, on Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Road when the cruise control on his vehicle jammed. Unable to turn off the setting and stuck speeding down the busy highway, police called the motorist to calm him down and talk him through potential solutions while they cleared the road ahead of him. When these did not work, they advised him to ensure his seatbelt was fastened and to turn on his hazard lights until police patrols from Dubai and Abu Dhabi caught up with him. A police car drove in front of the out-of-control vehicle, allowing the car to bump into the police patrol until cruise control was disabled and the car gradually slowed to a halt. Police called on motorists to have their cars regularlymaintained to avoid such malfunctions.