Two hundred distinctive Dubai car plates will be auctioned off online this month. The Roads and Transport Authority said plates with 3 to 5 digits would be go under the hammer. The plates on sale will have A to B and H to T codes. Bidders must register by Sunday July 21 for the auction that will begin at 8am on Sunday July 28. Lucrative plates have previously sold for millions of dirhams with the last auction fetching Dh23.7m total for 90 plates. Bidders must each have a Traffic File opened in Dubai, submit a Dh5,000 security deposit cheque, and pay an non-refundable subscription fee of Dh120. While millions of dirhams may seem like a hefty investment, licence plate numbers have been proven to hold their value. In 2016, Dubai businessman <a href="">Balwinder Sahani bought plate D5 for Dh33 million</a> at an RTA auction for his Rolls-Royce. So desirable are plates that 799 cases of licence plate theft were reported by Dubai police between 2015 to 2018.