An Anglican priest in Australia who is known for the witty topical signage he puts outside his church says he recognises one of the men who restrained <a href="">a teenage boy who threw an egg at a politician</a> after he said Muslim immigrants were to blame for a terror attack on two New Zealand mosques. Father Rod Bower said he believes a man who stormed into his Gosford Anglican church wielding a fake sword and cracking a whip last May was the same as shown in a video widely shared online restraining a 17-year old teen, dubbed by the internet as “eggboy.” <a href="">The 17-year-old threw an egg at Australian senator Fraser Anning</a> after the controversial politician said that Muslim immigration was the root cause of a terror attack on two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch <a href="">left at least 50 dead and dozens wounded last week.</a> The politician was seen in the video punching the boy in the face after being hit with the egg before his supporters tacked the boy to the floor and one man puts his arm around the teen while shouting obscenities at him. Father Rod Bower became well known online for his topical signs outside his church that often include messages of tolerance. Following a mass shooting in America, Father Bower put up a sign that read “when will they love their kids more than their guns”. He has also put up signs to mark religious holidays of other faiths – including to wish Muslims an Eid Mubarak. However, his approach has earned him death threats.