A police officer escorts a civilian away from the scene of a shooting in Toronto. AP Photo

Three dead after man shoots 14 people in Toronto

Two people including a young woman have been killed and 12 more injured after a man opened fire in a Toronto neighbourhood.

The condition of the other victims is not known yet, a police spokesman said.

"Other than the shooter we have a young lady that is deceased," Toronto police chief Mark Saunders said earlier. Toronto police later confirmed another victim had died.

Police did not know if the shooting was an act of terrorism.

John Tulloch said he and his brother had just got out of their car when he heard about 20 to 30 gunshots.

"We just ran. We saw people starting to run so we just ran," he said.

An army of police, paramedics and other first responders soon descended on the scene, while area residents, some in their pyjamas, emerged from their homes to see what was happening.

Toronto Councillor Paula Fletcher told CP24 she heard that the gunman was emotionally disturbed.

"It's not gang-related. It looks like someone who is very disturbed," Ms Fletcher said.

Councillor Mary Fragedakis also said she heard the gunman was disturbed.

Ms Fletcher said for this to happen in an area where families gather for dinner is a tragedy.

This past weekend Toronto police deployed dozens of additional officers to deal with a recent spike in gun violence in the city.
