Delegates in their seats at Central Hall. Getty Images
British Prime Minister Clement Attlee addresses the first session of the UN General Assembly in the Methodist Central Hall, London, 10th January 1946. Getty Images
Preparations outside Central Hall for the meeting in 1946. Getty Images
The flags of the United Nations are put up over the main entrance hall in Central Hall. Getty Images
United Nations Organization site pickers inspect Archibald Rogers's estate at Hyde Park on January 11 1946. From left: Francois Briere, France; Awn el Khalidi, Iraq; Dr. Shu Hsi-hsu, China; Huntington Gilchrist, United States; Dr. Stoyan Gavrilovich, Yugoslavia; Maj. K. G. Younger, United Kingdom; Julio A. Lacarte, Uruguay; and Georgia Saksin, USSR. Getty Images
King of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the Saudi Arabia delegation arrive at Central Hall. AFP
British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin and Clement Attlee at the first meeting. Getty Images
A soldier checks a delegate's identity card at Central Hall. AFP
US Secretary of State James F. Byrnes delivers a speech at the United Nations first General Assembly. AFP
Delegates in their seats at Central Hall. Getty Images
British Prime Minister Clement Attlee addresses the first session of the UN General Assembly in the Methodist Central Hall, London, 10th January 1946. Getty Images
Preparations outside Central Hall for the meeting in 1946. Getty Images
The flags of the United Nations are put up over the main entrance hall in Central Hall. Getty Images
United Nations Organization site pickers inspect Archibald Rogers's estate at Hyde Park on January 11 1946. From left: Francois Briere, France; Awn el Khalidi, Iraq; Dr. Shu Hsi-hsu, China; Huntington Gilchrist, United States; Dr. Stoyan Gavrilovich, Yugoslavia; Maj. K. G. Younger, United Kingdom; Julio A. Lacarte, Uruguay; and Georgia Saksin, USSR. Getty Images
King of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the Saudi Arabia delegation arrive at Central Hall. AFP
British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin and Clement Attlee at the first meeting. Getty Images
A soldier checks a delegate's identity card at Central Hall. AFP
US Secretary of State James F. Byrnes delivers a speech at the United Nations first General Assembly. AFP
Delegates in their seats at Central Hall. Getty Images