Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif have reunited for <em>Bharat</em>, which is set to release on June 5 over the Eid Al Fitr holiday. As the film gets closer to its release date, local production house Twofour54 has released behind-the-scenes photos from the set. The movie was extensively filmed around Abu Dhabi last year, with the production spending 15 days shooting at four locations including the Liwa desert, Al Wathba, and Al Ain. Principal photography took place last year and involved over 200 international crew members and 1,400 extras. Director Ali Abbas Zafar tweeted about the film: The film is an adaptation of the 2014 Korean Film <em>Ode to My Father. </em>The film follows Khan's character through 1947 to 2010 and witnesses his life through different ages, leading to the Gulf oil boom of the 70s, which brings his character to the UAE. The film also stars Disha Patani, Jackie Shroff, Tabu, Sunil Grover and Sonali Kulkarni in key roles. _______________________<br/> Read more: _______________________