Steven Spielberg arrived in India's entertainment capital of Mumbai on Monday to meet Bollywood filmmakers and stars of the country's film industry. Spielberg and various Indian directors were spotted arriving at the Taj Lands End Hotel in Mumbai's fashionable Bandra suburb on Monday evening. The Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan moderated a talk with the Hollywood veteran at an event for showbiz insiders. He later said on Twitter that he had "a scintillating evening with Mr Steven Spielberg", describing the acclaimed director's comments as "simple, honest and with immense candor". The <em>Mid Day</em> newspaper said Spielberg held a "masterclass session" yesterday with a room full of Indian directors. The 66-year-old director is reportedly on his first visit to Mumbai partly to celebrate the success of his film Lincoln, which was co-produced by his DreamWorks Studios and the Indian tycoon Anil Ambani's Reliance Entertainment. Spielberg told <em>The Times of India</em> that he is planning to produce a film set partly on the de facto border between India and Pakistan in the disputed Kashmir region. "We have finalised a script for a movie," Spielberg said. "Part of it will take place on the India-Pakistan border in Kashmir. But we're still trying to figure out the casting, locations and who's going to direct it." - AFP <strong>Sonam Kapoor on working with Khurrana</strong> The actress Sonam Kapoor has described Ayushmann Khurrana as a "gentleman" and says she's impressed with "his natural acting abilities". Kapoor and Khurrana are working on a yet-to-be-titled project for Yash Raj Films in New Delhi. Directed by Nupur Asthana, the romantic comedy tells the story of two lovers at the time of recession. "Ayushmann Khurrana is a gentleman. He is such a natural actor, so well-behaved and respectful," said the 27-year-old Kapoor, who plays a lawyer in the movie. "I love working with him. It has been the most wonderful experience working with a co-star." - IANS <strong>Paresh Rawal to breakdance in new film </strong> The director Sajid Khan says the 62-year-old veteran actor Paresh Rawal has put on his dancing shoes for his forthcoming remake of the 1983 movie <em>Himmatwala</em>. "It was a comic scene and I wanted him to do something which he has not done before. So when I asked Paresh to do a breakdance, he started laughing but agreed to do it. There were no rehearsals because he wanted to be spontaneous," Khan told reporters. "He emulated the moves I had conceived and tried his best to be funny and do them correctly. Eventually he got them right but that was one of the most challenging scenes to shoot." <em>Himmatwala</em> also stars Ajay Devgn and the South Indian star Tamannaah. It is scheduled to be released in India on March 29. - IANS <strong>Sunil Grover turns into serious character actor</strong> The actor Sunil Grover describes his star turn in the recent political action thriller <em>Zila Ghaziabad</em> as a turning point for his career. "I never expected my character to be such a success," he said. "It was initially a very difficult thing for me. I was not sure whether after doing comedy for so many years, will people accept me in such a role? Then I thought it is not about doing comedy or something else. If you want to do something beautiful, it surely shows in your work." - IANS Follow us