After its success at the box office, the comedy Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum, released last week, is getting a sequel, announced its director Sachin Yardi. "Yes, we will be doing a sequel," he said. The movie's producer Ekta Kapoor said she was thrilled with the film's performance at the box office. "We had the best opening this season. I'm totally overwhelmed. It's a super hit," she said. Asked to comment on the barrage of negative reviews the film has received from the Indian press, Kapoor said: "Critics were so vocal about how much they hated the film and how the jokes in the movie offended some people. We will change it for the better next time. I want to say sorry to those who think they have been made fun of by the movie." Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum stars Tusshar Kapoor, Riteish Deshmukh and Neha Sharma. * IANS
Kirron Kher graces Lakmé Fashion Week ramp
The 57-year-old film and television actress Kirron Kher delighted audiences at Lakmé Fashion Week when she made a surprise appearance as the finale model for designer Gaurang Shah's latest collection, which presents a modern take on classic 1950s looks. Kher wore an embroidered ivory brocade sari paired with a traditional pink blouse. "This is the kind of sari I would wear for my son's wedding. I simply love Gaurang's collection," Kher told reporters. She strutted down the catwalk to the tune of Chalte Chalte, from the 2003 film of the same name. "You can take me out of the movies, but you can't take the movies out of me," she said. * IANS
Sushant Singh Rajput gearing up for film debut
The actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who shot to fame with the television programme Pavitra Rishta, will make his big-screen debut in Kai Po Che! He says that regardless of the medium he works in, the important thing is he delivers quality work. "I am an actor and it is good work that I want to do. I am really not bothered about the medium, be it television or films," said Rajput, 26. Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, Kai Po Che! is an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat's novel The 3 Mistakes of My Life, chronicling the story of three friends, played by Rajput, Raj Kumar Yadav and Amit Sadh. The film comes out in January in India. * IANS
Shirish Kunder promises one film a year
The director Shrish Kunder, who took six years to release his second film, says he now wants to make one movie a year. Kunder's directorial debut, the musical hit Jaan-E-Mann starring Salman Khan and Preity Zinta, came out in 2006. His follow-up film, the fantasy adventure Joker starring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha, is due out in India on August 31. "Six years for a second film? From now on, I will direct a film every year," said Kunder, 39. "I will torture you all more often." His next project is the comedy action film Kick, starring Khan and Angela Jonsson. It is currently in the preproduction stage, with shooting scheduled for later this year. * IANS