The critically acclaimed Indian film <em>Ship of Theseus </em>won the Best Film award at the 12th Transylvania International Film Festival in Romania."I am confirming that <em>Ship of Theseus </em>has been awarded Best Film at the Transylvania International Film Festival. Thank you for this honour," the film's director Anand Gandhi posted on his Twitter page. The movie premiered at the Toronto International Festival and was later screened at the Tokyo Film Festival and BFI London Film Festival. The movie, whose stars include Aida Elkashef, Neeraj Kabi and Faraz Khan, is a drama about an experimental photographer, an ailing monk and a stockbroker. <span class="s2">– IANS</span> <span class="s1"><strong>Sudeep teams up with Ram Gopal Varma again</strong></span> <span class="s3">The Kannada superstar Sudeep has announced he is going to work with Ram Gopal Varma again. Varma directed Sudeep in two Hindi films, <em>Phoonk </em>and <em>Rann</em>. This latest project will be produced by Varma. Production is expected to start after the monsoon season ends in September. Sudeep said one the new project could not be classified into any genre. "Ram Gopal Varma cannot have a genre at all. He creates genres," he said. "He will come out with something, I am sure. We are working on it. Let's see what happens." Sudeep is currently hosting a Kannada version of the reality show <em>Bigg Boss</em>. </span><span class="s4">– IANS</span> <span class="s1"><strong>Mahesh Babu’s new film to be shot in Europe</strong></span> <span class="s5">The cast and crew of the Mahesh Babu-fronted Telugu action-thriller <em>1: Nenokkadine </em>will head to Europe on June 18 for a two-month shoot. Produced by 14 Reels Entertainment, <em>1: Nenokkadine </em>also stars Sayaji Shinde, Kelli Dorji, Vikram Singh and Srinivasa Reddy, with a debut lead performance by Kriti Shanon. It will be shot in London and Ireland. Sukumar Bandreddi, whose previous works include <em>Arya </em>and <em>Arya 2</em>, is directing the film. It is scheduled to release in September. </span><span class="s4">– IANS</span> <span class="s1"><strong>Singer Manna Dey suffers organ failure</strong></span> <span class="s5">The 94-year-old playback artist Manna Dey is reportedly in critical condition at a private hospital in Mumbai, a close family friend said on Sunday. "There is not much change in his condition, which remains serious due to multiple organ failure. He has been put on life support to stabilise his other vital parameters," said the friend, who wanted to remain anonymous. Dey was rushed to Narayana Health Hospital on Saturday night after he complained of breathlessness. On his 94th birthday on May 1, he was honoured by the West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee with the state's Vishesh Maha Sangeet Samman award. Dey is one of India's best-known singers and has recorded more than 3,500 songs in a career that began in 1943. His most popular hits include <em>Sur Na Saje Kya Gaun Main </em>and <em>Na To Karanwa Ki Talash Hai Na To Humsafar Ki Talash Hain. </em></span><span class="s4">– IANS</span> Follow us Follow us on <a href="">Facebook</a> for discussions, entertainment, reviews, wellness and news.