The long read: why Ronald Reagan is still the king for US Republicans

Everybody wants to be the Gipper. Every 2016 Republican presidential candidate, be they Ted Cruz or Chris Christie, sees himself as the inheritor of Ronald Reagan’s mantle.

Reagan’s appeal, for many of the Republican presidential contenders as well as the voters they seek to woo, is his stubborn steadfastness. Reagan, in their estimation, never changed, never tailored his beliefs for an electorate. He simply waited until the country was ready for him, a “citizen-politician” who saved the country from economic and political ruin and then slipped off, content in the satisfaction of a job well done.

It is easy to imagine how nearly every presidential contender, from Marco Rubio to Jeb Bush to Chris Christie to Mike Huckabee, looks in the mirror and sees a 21st-century Reagan staring back at him. (The fantasy appears to be less appealing to female candidates.) He is the Reagan of economic stimulus through tax cuts and muscular Christian values and "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall". Just in time for what is shaping up to be a wide-open competition for the Republican presidential nomination, and possibly for the presidency as well, a new slate of books has emerged on Reagan's life and legacy, offering guidance, along with a note of caution, to those politicians looking to fill his shoes. Both H W Brands's sprawling new biography Reagan: The Life and Reagan's Legacy in a World Transformed, edited by Jeffrey L Chidester and Paul Kengor, seek some academic and intellectual heft to serve as ballast for all the Reaganite fanboys. Brands, a professor at the University of Texas and the author of a well-regarded biography of Franklin Roosevelt, argues that Reagan was to the second half of the American 20th century what Roosevelt was to the first: "The key to Reagan's success, like that to Roosevelt's, was his ability to restore Americans' faith in their country." Having rifled through a few thousand pages of encomia to Reagan, with some stray critiques drizzled in for seasoning, what advice can we offer the Rand Pauls and Scott Walkers of the world from the life of the real – and not the plaster-cast – Ronald Reagan?

Perhaps the prime lesson of Reagan’s meteoric rise, electorally speaking, is that it is never too soon. Reagan was an underemployed, ageing actor, his days of movie stardom more than a decade behind him, when he was approached by Barry Goldwater’s floundering 1964 presidential campaign with a proposal. Would the telegenic TV star, who had made a living delivering speeches for General Electric, give a televised speech for the candidate? The resulting speech hardly mentioned Goldwater, but it made Reagan an overnight political star. Almost instantly, Reagan was feted as a potential candidate for the governorship of California. Within two weeks of winning the governor’s seat, in 1966, Reagan was conducting meetings with advisers about his path to the presidency – in 1968. It ultimately took 14 more years to win a presidential election, but Reagan wasted no time in starting the fight. Republicans have spent six years carping about the perils of the underqualified Obama. (Before that, liberals spent eight harrumphing about the underqualified George W Bush.) This new wave of conservative presidential contenders, many of whom have as little or less experience than the previous two presidents, render this line of argument inoperative. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are in this race knowing that enthusiasm often trumps experience.

The second lesson is that Republican hero worshippers’ portrait of Reagan is at odds – often jarringly so – with the historical record. Contemporary conservatives are often intent on learning precisely the wrong lesson from their hero. Reagan the unyielding was at his best when deftly responding to circumstances, and at his worst when standing his ground. He repeatedly said that he preferred to get 80 per cent of what he aimed for rather than stand his ground and fail to get all of it – a lesson most assuredly not learnt by his most prominent disciple, former president George W Bush.

The lesson of Reagan’s successes is not that of truths eternal and undeniable, but of truths temporary and ephemeral. Neither bluster nor diplomatic savvy would have swayed the Soviet Union had, say, Leonid Brezhnev still been general secretary in the mid-1980s. And telling Mr Khrushchev to tear down this wall might have resulted in the nuclear war that John F Kennedy only narrowly avoided.

A man with knowledge of his own limitations, Reagan concentrated his efforts where his interests lay. As neoconservative intellectual Eliot Cohen notes in Reagan's Legacy, he had "no aptitude for that part of the job that required mastery of detail". The preternaturally lucky Reagan began with a vision – of smaller government, of arms reduction – and left implementation to his subordinates. His treasury secretary Donald Regan was taken aback to discover the reception for his draft proposal for the administration's policy priorities: "I realised that the policy that would determine the course of the world's most powerful nation for the next two years and deeply influence the fate of the Republican Party in the 1986 midterm elections had been adopted without amendment."

If the example of the presidents since Reagan serves as a guide, the hands-off policy that often worked for Reagan has been disastrous for those attempting to recreate it. Reagan’s legacy is better admired than emulated. Anyone who disagrees might be directed to the unelected presidency of Dick Cheney.

And when the absentee presidency went off the tracks, it cratered. Reagan appeared on national television to deny any links between selling arms to the Iranian government and funding the Nicaraguan contras, and then had to return to acknowledge that rogue elements in his administration, including his national security adviser, had given their go-ahead to the mission. Admirers of Reagan's canny international leadership – the essay on his Eastern European disciples in Reagan's Legacy by Chidester is particularly informative – must also wrestle with his lack of leadership in the West Wing. As Brands, a staunch admirer, argues, had Reagan been the chief executive of a Fortune 500 company, he would undoubtedly have been fired. Brands's admiring book often feels backloaded, Reagan's worst missteps held back from being mentioned until he belatedly attempts to right them. The word "Aids" does not appear here until Reagan's 1986 speech, when Brands pats the president on the back for his "courageous" words. When Reagan was good, he was often superb; when he was ill-informed or ill-advised, he was often disastrous.

The third, interlocking lesson is that a president's legacy is often determined by foreign policy, and that foreign policy triumphs often require drastic reversals of policy. Reagan is praised by Brands and the contributors to Reagan's Legacy for his steadfastness in the face of Soviet brutality, and rightly so.

As a candidate and conservative gadfly, Reagan argued that Nixon’s policy of détente (which allowed for the reopening of diplomatic relations with China) was a form of weakness, granting the USSR a legitimacy it did not deserve. Reagan believed that lawmakers had fallen into a “treaty trap”, where any deal seemed better than no deal.

Fearful liberals were convinced that Reagan was a warmonger, intent on pushing the red button his first day in the Oval Office, but Reagan cannily mixed stinging critiques of the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” with a persistent backchannel effort to jump-start dialogue between American and Soviet leaders. The dour Brezhnev died before Reagan could charm him, and Andropov and Chernenko followed in short order as well, symbolic representatives of the sclerotic Soviet order. But Reagan was trying all along; before Gorbachev ever took office, he exchanged seven letters in as many weeks with Chernenko. The historic Reagan-Gorbachev summits, and their mutual efforts to reduce the threat of nuclear war, were primarily a product of Reagan’s willingness to engage. Let that be a lesson to all the outraged voices appalled by Obama’s willingness to keep the conversation with Iran going. Fourth, Reagan’s career is a reminder of the unavoidable importance in politics of luck. If Reagan had changed his name to go into acting; if he had accepted Gerald Ford’s offer to serve as his running mate in 1976; if Jimmy Carter’s rescue operation for the Iranian hostages had been successful, Reagan would probably never have become president. Had he, by some chance, been elected president in 1968, with the Vietnam War raging, his proposed policy of pouring unlimited resources into winning the war would most likely have been even more disastrous than Nixon’s. Reagan was lucky enough to wield power at the right moment: no wars needed to be fought, and his stance of belligerent talk matched with diplomatic flexibility could bear some fruit.

Fifthly, try as his contemporary defenders might to downplay it, Reagan’s appeal cannot be understood outside the crucible of American race relations. Brands, Chidester and Kengor primarily focus on Reagan’s foreign and economic policy, their enthusiasm reserved for his diplomatic triumphs and his (more questionable, in the light of the 2008 financial crisis) stewardship of the economy. But Reagan’s redesigning of the American electoral map was inextricably tied up with the country’s racial politics. It was hardly accidental that Reagan began his general-election campaign in 1980 near Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three young civil-rights activists had been murdered by white racists in 1964. Reagan’s talk of states’ rights and his screeds against welfare queens in Cadillacs were all of a piece. Bias and divisiveness was, by overwhelming margins, a winning strategy.

On passing the landmark Civil Rights Act 50 years ago, President Lyndon Johnson acknowledged, as Jonathan Darman notes in his fine Landslide: LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America, that he had most likely lost the South for the Democratic Party for a generation. Johnson was wrong; he lost it for two generations, and counting. The modern Republican Party was born out of that racial animus, with Reagan following in Nixon's footsteps in playing to the dissatisfactions of a white electorate forced to confront the legacy of persistent racial bias. Now, 50 years later, the GOP is still adding up those same dwindling numbers in the hopes of creating one last majority out of white voters before the winds of demographic change render their electoral map entirely moot.

The small government favoured by Reagan meant, by inference, less government for those others. Mitt Romney’s talk, during the 2012 presidential campaign, of the 47 per cent of the country that were takers, taking money from the majority of American makers, was a piece of political fantasy birthed out of Ronald Reagan’s head. (That a sizeable portion of that mythical 47 per cent would most likely be made up of Romney’s most fervent supporters was probably an irony entirely lost on the former Massachusetts governor.) Reagan’s racial politics have aged poorly, and any presidential contenders interested in donning Reagan’s mantle would do best to discard his culture-warrior garb. Referring to senior citizens and others collecting government payouts as “a faceless mass waiting for handouts”, as Reagan once did, does not make for good mainstream politics in 2015. (Take note, Ted Cruz.)

Moreover, the nature of the US electorate has changed. To put it bluntly, there simply are not enough white men in the United States any more to carry the day for a Republican candidate. Much of Reagan’s appeal was nostalgic: a warmly remembered face from the golden age of Hollywood, riding into town to usher in a renewed era of suburban contentment and unquestioned global authority, a 1950s that never was. Thirty-five years after Reagan’s election, this fantasy bears little attraction for a younger and less overwhelmingly white electorate, for whom the Republican brand has been tarnished by its association with war and economic upheaval and by its narrowly focused appeals to comparatively prosperous white voters.


Government, Reagan argued in his inaugural address, was the problem, a vision that aligned with many voters’ sense of a Great Society run amok. In the aftermath of a catastrophic financial meltdown and a halting economic recovery, only taking root in the past year or so, American voters now often look to government for the solutions. If Republicans cannot figure out a way to stop demonising government, they will cease to be a part of its executive branch.

“This new majority is younger, more diverse, and more urban than its Reagan-era predecessor,” Darman says, “and its constituents appear more disposed to want government services and policies to aid their rise to affluence.” Reagan won two elections by peeling off an entire swath of loyal Democratic voters who felt disaffected with liberalism. The only current Republicans with even a ghost of a chance of repeating the feat are Rand Paul, whose libertarianism is attractive to younger voters, and the Cuban-American Marco Rubio, who might appeal to Hispanic voters otherwise driven headlong out of the GOP’s inner circles. To succeed to Reagan’s office, conservative politicians must find a way to speak to voters allergic to conservative bromides, a task that none of them, with the possible exception of Paul, seem up to managing.

Lastly, and lest anyone feels that studying Reagan’s record contributes only to the detriment of Republicans, let us consider the charged matter of age in American presidential candidates. In his debate with Jimmy Carter in 1980, Reagan indicated no familiarity with the president of France, Valery Giscard d’Estaing. His campaign initially claimed he had not heard Giscard d’Estaing’s name properly, Brands informs us, before realising that it would be worse to depict Reagan as deaf than ill-informed. Reagan famously promised not to mention his challenger Walter Mondale’s youth and inexperience in a 1984 presidential debate, but even so sympathetic an ear as Brands raises deeply disturbing questions about the state of Reagan’s health, particularly during his second term. Reagan was kept out of the loop of Iran-Contra planning, and the CIA deputy director at the time, Robert Gates, remembered the shrill buzzing of Reagan’s hearing aid interrupting a cabinet meeting. (Reagan made a joke about his KGB handler hoping to reach him.)

As heartbreaking excerpts from an interview with Iran-Contra independent counsel Lawrence Walsh conducted only three years after leaving office incontrovertibly indicate, Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer’s, his memory dim at best. Reagan could not remember if long-time aide Michael Deaver had served with him during his time as governor of California, or who Hafez Al Assad was.

“It’s like I wasn’t president at all,” Reagan murmured. All discussion of her mother Dorothy Rodham’s 92 years of life to the side, the prospect of electing 69-year-old Hillary Clinton to the presidency has to be a cause for reflection. Liberal voters may have no other choice; heck, depending on whom Republicans nominate for the presidency, American voters may have no other choice. But knowing what we now know about the extent of Reagan’s infirmities in his second term in office, America must think carefully about the prospect of electing another soon-to-be-septuagenarian to the highest office in the land.

Ronald Reagan was, Americans must remind themselves, as much a divider as a uniter, an absentee leader as much as a statesman, a bravely flexible negotiator as much as an iron-willed paragon of firmness. His legacy is a Rorschach test, its interpretation as significant for divulging the psyche and political worldview of the interpreter as anything else. What the viewer sees is, in large part, who they are. And it consists as much of lessons in what to avoid as examples to emulate. Best of luck on hearing that from any of the Republican candidates for president of the United States.

Saul Austerlitz is a critic and commentator based in New York and a frequent contributor to The Review.

UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
2025 Fifa Club World Cup groups

Group A: Palmeiras, Porto, Al Ahly, Inter Miami.

Group B: Paris Saint-Germain, Atletico Madrid, Botafogo, Seattle.

Group C: Bayern Munich, Auckland City, Boca Juniors, Benfica.

Group D: Flamengo, ES Tunis, Chelsea, Leon.

Group E: River Plate, Urawa, Monterrey, Inter Milan.

Group F: Fluminense, Borussia Dortmund, Ulsan, Mamelodi Sundowns.

Group G: Manchester City, Wydad, Al Ain, Juventus.

Group H: Real Madrid, Al Hilal, Pachuca, Salzburg.

Banned items
Dubai Police has also issued a list of banned items at the ground on Sunday. These include:
  • Drones
  • Animals
  • Fireworks/ flares
  • Radios or power banks
  • Laser pointers
  • Glass
  • Selfie sticks/ umbrellas
  • Sharp objects
  • Political flags or banners
  • Bikes, skateboards or scooters
The Brutalist

Director: Brady Corbet

Stars: Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones, Guy Pearce, Joe Alwyn

Rating: 3.5/5

Formula Middle East Calendar (Formula Regional and Formula 4)
Round 1: January 17-19, Yas Marina Circuit – Abu Dhabi
Round 2: January 22-23, Yas Marina Circuit – Abu Dhabi
Round 3: February 7-9, Dubai Autodrome – Dubai
Round 4: February 14-16, Yas Marina Circuit – Abu Dhabi
Round 5: February 25-27, Jeddah Corniche Circuit – Saudi Arabia
if you go

The flights Fly Dubai, Air Arabia, Emirates, Etihad, and Royal Jordanian all offer direct, three-and-a-half-hour flights from the UAE to the Jordanian capital Amman. Alternatively, from June Fly Dubai will offer a new direct service from Dubai to Aqaba in the south of the country. See the airlines’ respective sites for varying prices or search on reliable price-comparison site Skyscanner.

The trip 

Jamie Lafferty was a guest of the Jordan Tourist Board. For more information on adventure tourism in Jordan see Visit Jordan. A number of new and established tour companies offer the chance to go caving, rock-climbing, canyoning, and mountaineering in Jordan. Prices vary depending on how many activities you want to do and how many days you plan to stay in the country. Among the leaders are Terhaal, who offer a two-day canyoning trip from Dh845 per person. If you really want to push your limits, contact the Stronger Team. For a more trek-focused trip, KE Adventure offers an eight-day trip from Dh5,300 per person.


1. Liverpool 101 points

2. Manchester City 80 

3. Leicester 67

4. Chelsea 63

5. Manchester United 61

6. Tottenham 58

7. Wolves 56

8. Arsenal 56

9. Sheffield United 55

10. Everton 50

11. Burnley 49

12. Crystal Palace 49

13. Newcastle 46

14. Southampton 44

15. West Ham 39

16. Brighton 37

17. Watford 36

18. Bournemouth 36

19. Aston Villa 32

20. Norwich City 29







Game Changer

Director: Shankar 

Stars: Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, Anjali, S J Suryah, Jayaram

Rating: 2/5

Europe’s rearming plan
  • Suspend strict budget rules to allow member countries to step up defence spending
  • Create new "instrument" providing €150 billion of loans to member countries for defence investment
  • Use the existing EU budget to direct more funds towards defence-related investment
  • Engage the bloc's European Investment Bank to drop limits on lending to defence firms
  • Create a savings and investments union to help companies access capital

Members of Syria's Alawite minority community face threat in their heartland after one of the deadliest days in country’s recent history. Read more

Dr Afridi's warning signs of digital addiction

Spending an excessive amount of time on the phone.

Neglecting personal, social, or academic responsibilities.

Losing interest in other activities or hobbies that were once enjoyed.

Having withdrawal symptoms like feeling anxious, restless, or upset when the technology is not available.

Experiencing sleep disturbances or changes in sleep patterns.

What are the guidelines?

Under 18 months: Avoid screen time altogether, except for video chatting with family.

Aged 18-24 months: If screens are introduced, it should be high-quality content watched with a caregiver to help the child understand what they are seeing.

Aged 2-5 years: Limit to one-hour per day of high-quality programming, with co-viewing whenever possible.

Aged 6-12 years: Set consistent limits on screen time to ensure it does not interfere with sleep, physical activity, or social interactions.

Teenagers: Encourage a balanced approach – screens should not replace sleep, exercise, or face-to-face socialisation.

Source: American Paediatric Association

Mr Kandhari is legally authorised to conduct marriages in the gurdwara

He has officiated weddings of Sikhs and people of different faiths from Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Russia, the US and Canada

Father of two sons, grandfather of six

Plays golf once a week

Enjoys trying new holiday destinations with his wife and family

Walks for an hour every morning

Completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Loyola College, Chennai, India

2019 is a milestone because he completes 50 years in business


'Worse than a prison sentence'

Marie Byrne, a counsellor who volunteers at the UAE government's mental health crisis helpline, said the ordeal the crew had been through would take time to overcome.

“It was worse than a prison sentence, where at least someone can deal with a set amount of time incarcerated," she said.

“They were living in perpetual mystery as to how their futures would pan out, and what that would be.

“Because of coronavirus, the world is very different now to the one they left, that will also have an impact.

“It will not fully register until they are on dry land. Some have not seen their young children grow up while others will have to rebuild relationships.

“It will be a challenge mentally, and to find other work to support their families as they have been out of circulation for so long. Hopefully they will get the care they need when they get home.”

How to increase your savings
  • Have a plan for your savings.
  • Decide on your emergency fund target and once that's achieved, assign your savings to another financial goal such as saving for a house or investing for retirement.
  • Decide on a financial goal that is important to you and put your savings to work for you.
  • It's important to have a purpose for your savings as it helps to keep you motivated to continue while also reducing the temptation to spend your savings. 

- Carol Glynn, founder of Conscious Finance Coaching



Tales of Yusuf Tadros

Adel Esmat (translated by Mandy McClure)


Tips for newlyweds to better manage finances

All couples are unique and have to create a financial blueprint that is most suitable for their relationship, says Vijay Valecha, chief investment officer at Century Financial. He offers his top five tips for couples to better manage their finances.

Discuss your assets and debts: When married, it’s important to understand each other’s personal financial situation. It’s necessary to know upfront what each party brings to the table, as debts and assets affect spending habits and joint loan qualifications. Discussing all aspects of their finances as a couple prevents anyone from being blindsided later.

Decide on the financial/saving goals: Spouses should independently list their top goals and share their lists with one another to shape a joint plan. Writing down clear goals will help them determine how much to save each month, how much to put aside for short-term goals, and how they will reach their long-term financial goals.

Set a budget: A budget can keep the couple be mindful of their income and expenses. With a monthly budget, couples will know exactly how much they can spend in a category each month, how much they have to work with and what spending areas need to be evaluated.

Decide who manages what: When it comes to handling finances, it’s a good idea to decide who manages what. For example, one person might take on the day-to-day bills, while the other tackles long-term investments and retirement plans.

Money date nights: Talking about money should be a healthy, ongoing conversation and couples should not wait for something to go wrong. They should set time aside every month to talk about future financial decisions and see the progress they’ve made together towards accomplishing their goals.


Virat Kohli (captain), Rohit Sharma (vice-captain), Shikhar Dhawan, Ajinkya Rahane, Manish Pandey, Kedar Jadhav, Dinesh Karthik, Mahendra Singh Dhoni (wicketkeeper), Hardik Pandya, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Jasprit Bumrah, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Shardul Thakur

New Zealand
Kane Williamson (captain), Martin Guptill, Colin Munro, Ross Taylor, Tom Latham (wicketkeeper), Henry Nicholls, Ish Sodhi, George Worker, Glenn Phillips, Matt Henry, Colin de Grandhomme, Mitchell Santner, Tim Southee, Adam Milne, Trent Boult

How will Gen Alpha invest?

Mark Chahwan, co-founder and chief executive of robo-advisory firm Sarwa, forecasts that Generation Alpha (born between 2010 and 2024) will start investing in their teenage years and therefore benefit from compound interest.

“Technology and education should be the main drivers to make this happen, whether it’s investing in a few clicks or their schools/parents stepping up their personal finance education skills,” he adds.

Mr Chahwan says younger generations have a higher capacity to take on risk, but for some their appetite can be more cautious because they are investing for the first time. “Schools still do not teach personal finance and stock market investing, so a lot of the learning journey can feel daunting and intimidating,” he says.

He advises millennials to not always start with an aggressive portfolio even if they can afford to take risks. “We always advise to work your way up to your risk capacity, that way you experience volatility and get used to it. Given the higher risk capacity for the younger generations, stocks are a favourite,” says Mr Chahwan.

Highlighting the role technology has played in encouraging millennials and Gen Z to invest, he says: “They were often excluded, but with lower account minimums ... a customer with $1,000 [Dh3,672] in their account has their money working for them just as hard as the portfolio of a high get-worth individual.”