Samsung has said it will postpone the launch of its Galaxy Fold, its highly anticipated folding smartphone, after several early reviewers reported the screens on their devices were faulty. Samsung postponed media launch events for the Galaxy Fold in Hong Kong and Shanghai that were due to take place this week, following the reports of cracked screens and flickering displays. There were no new dates scheduled for the events and at the time, Samsung had not given a reason for why the events were postponed. Samsung is also taking back all Galaxy Fold samples distributed to reviewers to investigate reports of broken screens, Reuters reported. “While many reviewers shared with us the vast potential they see, some also showed us how the device needs further improvements that could ensure the best possible user experience,” the South Korean phone maker said. "To fully evaluate this feedback and run further internal tests, we have decided to delay the release of the Galaxy Fold. We plan to announce the release date in the coming weeks." The manufacturer has also been coy about when the £1,800 (Dh8,581) gadget will go on sale, offering no concrete release date for the phone. It was originally set to be released in the US on April 26 and in Europe on May 3. The manufacturer has been tight lipped about its release in the UAE, giving no firm Middle Eastern rollout date. After running tests on the new phone's display, Samsung said that the reported issues could be associated with impact on the top and bottom exposed areas of the gadget's hinge. There was also an instance where substances found inside the phone affected the display performance. Samsung said it would take measures to strengthen the display protection on the upcoming phone: “We will also enhance the guidance on care and use of the display including the protective layer so that our customers get the most out of their Galaxy Fold.” The South Korean company said it was “committed to working closely with customers and partners to move the industry forward”. <a href="">A leak </a>on Monday to South Korean website <em>The Bell </em>suggested that the phone company is working on two different designs for dual-hinged foldable displays for the Galaxy Fold. Citing several electronics industry officials, the website said that Samsung is developing an 20-centimetre and 33cm foldable displays. Following in Samsung’s footsteps, Chinese manufacturer Huawei also unveiled its first 5G and foldable phone, the Mate X, at the Mobile World Congress in February this year in Barcelona. The company, based in Shenzhen, has announced the base model will retail at the relatively high price of $2,607 (Dh9,576) and it will be available initially in select markets in Europe in the middle of this year.