The Duchess of Cambridge attended England's Euro 2020 match against Germany on Tuesday, opting to wear a statement red blazer from high-street store Zara for the occasion. Attending the match at London's Wembley Stadium, with Prince William and Prince George, the royal paired the bold red piece with a white top and black belted trousers. The double-breasted jacket, which has a textured red fabric and gold buttons, is currently sold out, but retailed for $69.99. In the UAE, Zara has a number of similar blazers available from Dh289. She also wore her beaded satellite chain from Spells of Love and a Halcyon Days bangle, both of which were just visible on her outfit. The outing is not the first time the duchess has opted to wear a piece by the Spanish high-street chain. She wore a green blazer by the brand on St Patrick's Day and a royal blue version when visiting Scotland in May. For the football game, both Prince George and Prince William wore suits, with ties in England's official red and white colours. Other notable names at the football game included rapper Stormzy, singers Ed Sheeran and Ellie Goulding, former footballer David Beckham and his son, Romeo Beckham.