Old discs and bookends
Take a "brake" for reading a good book that you can find between these brake rotor bookends on your shelf. Made from real brakes, they even have a hairline surface feature that simulates the texture of brake marks on actual discs. They are polished and modern enough to look good in any decor, with an added bonus of being ideal for showcasing a collection of Haynes manuals.
Available from www.carguygarage.com for Dh47 (not including postage and packing).
New gear for the desk
When daydreaming - at your desk - about driving a Lamborghini, it is much easier if you have a Murcielago gearshift assembly sitting in front of you. The aluminium gear shift shaft is actually a ball point pen, while the shift knob houses a pencil sharpener. The gearshift slots can hold pens, pencils, letter openers and other desk articles. The base cylinder is covered with leather and the slot plate is milled from solid steel and chrome plated.
Available from www.topoftheline.com for Dh330
L'il red toolbox
Are the tools you leave lying around more like pens and scissors rather then wrenches and hammers? This miniature desktop toolbox is built from heavy duty 24-gauge steel that is bent and spot welded to create an authentic reproduction of the toolboxes professional mechanics use. The drawers on the front are just for show, but the top opens to reveal a deep storage bin with felt liner on the interior floor. The top of the lid has a grooved rubber mat just like its big brothers.
Available from www.legacydiecast.com, Dh147