PARIS //A parent chooses the name of their child with care, taking into consideration some name choices could fuel bullying taunts. But, what if a car company decides to use your name, potentially making you vulnerable to ridicule? Well, one Parisian is suing. According to the British newspaper The Guardian, Zoé Renault, who has no family links to the car firm, was enraged to hear her name was being used and called in a lawyer, David Koubbi. Koubbi wrote to Renault's chief executive, Carlos Ghosn, insisting that the plans constitute an attack on the rights of his clients. He pointed out there are about 30,000 people in France called Zoé, none of whom are likely to enjoy sharing their name with an electric supermini. Zoé Renault told Le Parisien that she did not want to be forever associated with a vehicle: "It would be unbearable for me to hear 'the Zoé has broken down', 'we have to get the Zoé overhauled' or 'so-and-so killed themselves in a Zoé'". A spokesman for Renault told the newspaper the company was committed to the "memorable" name, but that it was the name of a concept car and not a definitive choice.