Candles, mini pumpkins and Halloween-themed sweets are frequently added to boo baskets. Getty Images
Candles, mini pumpkins and Halloween-themed sweets are frequently added to boo baskets. Getty Images

Boo baskets: TikTok's latest trend for autumn and how to make one

October is here and that means two things: the seasons are changing and Halloween is around the corner.

And, if you're on TikTok, a new trend to mark autumn's arrival is probably on your radar: boo baskets.

What is a boo basket?

Considered the Halloween equivalent of Easter baskets, boo baskets are gift hampers people give to each other filled with items designed to spread joy for autumn.

Given at the start of the season, the baskets are meant to signal the end of summer and the beginning of cooler months.

They aren't only for significant others though, as they can also be put together for friends, children, pets or even neighbours.

What goes in is up to the person assembling it, but some broad ground rules exist.

Contents should be adjusted to fit the needs of the person who's receiving the basket. For example, if it is for a partner, personalise the basket with items they might want or need. Various videos on TikTok show people assembling baskets for their significant other and, while some have specific objects, the vast majority of them include the items in the gallery below.

Nothing says autumn like a bespoke cup or tumbler. Photo: Valeriia Miller / Pexels

Once the foundation has been laid, variations can be made from there.

Themes and styles of the items chosen are also important to consider. Many TikTok users suggest finding out whether the recipient prefers autumn or Halloween.

How to enhance the autumn experience at home

There's more to the season than just assembling a basket though; you can go the extra mile and create a seasonal and/or spooky atmosphere.

Picking the right playlist

The right choice depends on the mood required, which depends on the basket's autumn or Halloween theme.

Here is an example of an autumnal playlist on Spotify that could fit the mood of the season.

Decorating your space

Go all out and fill your home with bright orange pumpkins – carved or uncarved. Fairy lights with orange colours could also accent the space nicely.

Schedule movie nights

Supplement the atmosphere with a varied film selection; cosy rom-coms like When Harry met Sally during the day and horror flicks like The Exorcist at night.

Updated: October 07, 2023, 4:07 AM