Thousands of Catholics across the <a href="" target="_blank">UAE</a> descended on churches on Sunday to give prayers for <a href="" target="_blank">Pope Francis</a>, who is in a critical condition with serious respiratory illness. The 88-year-old head of the Catholic Church suffered a prolonged "asthmatic respiratory crisis" while being treated for pneumonia and a complex lung infection, the Vatican said. St Mary’s Church in <a href="" target="_blank">Dubai</a> was the focus for worship and special prayers for the recovery of Pope Francis, who visited <a href="" target="_blank">Abu Dhabi</a> in 2019 and became the first pope to perform Mass on the Arabian Peninsula. Father Michael Cardoz, who has served the Southern Vicariate of Arabia for 37 years, mainly in Dubai and Fujairah, said 2,500 people turned out for the morning Mass on Sunday. “As soon as we got the news from the Vatican that Pope Francis was not well, we received a letter from our Bishop in Abu Dhabi saying that continuously at every Mass to do a prayer,” said Father Michael. “When the Pope visited Abu Dhabi people went there on buses as it was a very significant and historic visit.” “I met the Pope personally and told His Holiness that it was my birthday,” Father Cardoz added. “And he said, 'pray for me', and he raised his hand and gave me a medal. I cannot forget the Pope because of February 5, my birthday, when he gave me the gift.” Pope Francis became the first pontiff to visit the UAE in 2019, as figurehead of the 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world. During his three-day visit, he met other religious leaders across the country, and underscored his commitment to interfaith dialogue. He conducted a private visit to St Joseph’s Cathedral and led a Holy Mass attended by 150,000 people at Zayed Sports City Stadium attended. “When we heard he was unwell, we asked that the Lord will bless him, recover him – and he will,” said Father Michael. “He’s in his chair, but his mind is good and his heart is good. I feel that after my personal encounter with him, he is a Pope who walks the walk, and talks the talk. That's what I like about him. Although he's up on high, he comes down to ordinary people. That is very touching not only for Catholics, but other Christians and Muslims and Hindus. I will pray for his recovery.” The prayers for his recovery will be recited at every Mass beginning from 6am until 8pm. At St Mary’s, there are Masses conducted in English, Malala, Konkani, Arabic, French and Tagalog. Kathleen Lorena, a 48-year-old accountant from the Philippines, was one of the worshippers at St Mary’s Church to pray for the Pope’s swift recovery. “After the Mass at 6am we had a unity prayer for the healing of Pope Francis, a community prayer Mass for the healing and for the restoration and his good health,” she said. “Right now he has a sickness with his respiratory lungs. We are so blessed because a lot of people are gathered together for this, it was amazing to see.” Father-of-two Orlando Baldedara, 42, was singing in the Christian Voices Chorale of St Mary’s before the morning Mass. “I heard about his illness earlier this week, and that it's a serious problem,” said Mr Baldedara, who is an insurance broker from the Philippines. “We had a prayer today at church, a special prayer, and also at home we need prayer. The Pope is a symbol, he is Christ’s representative here on Earth. For the Filipinos, especially here in UAE, we have a special affinity with him because he visited us here. I was part of that choir group who had to serve at the choir service, and we were very happy that the Pope visited the UAE, especially as Rome is so far from here and he visited all of us. We will all be praying for his recovery.” Doctors treating Pope Francis warned that the main threat facing him would be the onset of sepsis, a serious infection of the blood that can occur as a complication of pneumonia. A complex viral, bacterial and fungal respiratory tract infection has been diagnosed, and the onset of pneumonia in both lungs. He has been prescribed “absolute rest” and a combination of cortisone and antibiotics, along with supplemental oxygen when required. Marineth Tongol, 42, a Filipina who attended St Mary’s Church on Sunday, said many are concerned for the Pope’s recovery. “My initial thought was real concern,” she said. “The good thing about the church is that we have this communal prayer, a community prayer that is for the Pope. The service on Sunday felt extra-significant as he's the head of the church and the one leading the people. It’s very sad to know that he's not feeling well today. I know God is a God of miracle and I know that he's listening to our prayers.”