In reference to your op-ed The dark side of long rule is starkly demonstrated by one-time revolutionary Ortega (May 1), Sholto Byrnes is absolutely right. The lust for power is often too intoxicating for novice politicians, who manage to climb the political ladder. They carry out dictatorial manoeuvres in an attempt to retain power, trampling over important democratic norms without realising, until they are inevitably, like Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, booted out of power.
Name withheld by request
Tyrants beware: the truth is out there
I refer to your excellent editorial Journalists' protection is vital in getting to the truth (May 2): it is indeed true that writers and journalists are being victimised in various countries led by intolerant leaders. Writers and journalists have always been hounded by the powers that be, who fear being exposed. However, in the ultimate analysis, their words will prevail over brute force. As long as there is ink in the pen of a writer, he or she cannot be silenced. As Mahatma Gandhi once said: "Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always."
Rajendra Aneja, Dubai
Some pay packets are more equal than others
In reference to your article UAE's 'good old expat packages' fade away as companies target younger professionals (May 4), these things are somewhat biased. Some companies will still pay certain employees all the perks and more salary.
Fatima Atta, Dubai
Abu Dhabi hospital has us in safe hands
I refer to your article Abu Dhabi's Corniche Hospital opens to expats four years after running out of room (May 4): I had an excellent experience there as the Corniche Hospital is the best place for complicated and high-risk pregnancies. My usual hospital could not treat me. This is very good news.
Gill Dow, Abu Dhabi
Our daughter was born there in 1983. We received excellent care.
Josie Gonzalez Nabti, Florida, US
Palestinian flag will rightly be flying high at Cannes
I write in reference to your article Cannes Film Festival: Palestinians get first pavilion in boost to film industry (May 5): this was a very interesting read. The fact that Palestine will be represented in the international village in Cannes is an extremely positive development for the Palestinian people. Surrounded by representatives from 70 other countries, the Palestinian pavilion will be a source of great pride. I personally am looking forward to seeing their flag flying high at this prestigious event. After decades of struggling against occupation, this provides some sign of hope. It could also awaken the Palestinian film industry. I hope the festival runs smoothly.
K Ragavan, Denver