I write in reference to your article As New York moves to ban foie gras, should the UAE be next? (February 6): bans don't really work as they create an unsafe black market.
Instead, educate people and show how foie gras is produced. Eventually the message gets through and customers won’t buy it, as happened with real fur in much of the world.
Name withheld by request
Yes, ban it. It is horrifically cruel and unnecessary. All those saying we should not ban it because it is delicious, put yourselves in that duck’s position. This level of cruelty is not worth the taste.
Mel Stones, Abu Dhabi
I think it could be produced in a lab from duck liver stem cells in the future. Meats produced in labs rather than from animals will come to market soon, to reduce the environmental impact of the meat industry, beef in particular, and for humanitarian reasons.
Firas Souri, Dubai
Pope’s visit sends a message of peace, love and unity
I write in reference to your article The warm welcome afforded to Pope Francis shows a deep rapprochement between two great faiths (February 7). We are really thankful and grateful to the UAE government and to our Muslim brothers and sisters. Let this even be a great message of peace, love and unity to the world.
Dan Hezron, Ras Al Khaimah
The most amazing moment was when a young girl broke through to deliver a letter to the Pope, helped by an Emirati security guard. It was lovely to see. Now the world knows the truth of how kind the people are in Abu Dhabi. This is not unusual. People are very well- educated, speak many languages and are very caring people. I suggest everyone visits to see for themselves. I spent a long time there and loved it.
Name withheld by request
Political will is needed in India to retain tech workers
I refer to your article The American dream is dead for Indian techies – now they're looking elsewhere (February 6): Rashmee Roshan Lall's meaningful article on Indian tech workers was good. Various restrictions on visas in the US, Australia and other countries for Indian techies means they will look elsewhere. A recent sting operation in the US showed America's negative feelings towards migration from India.
The only solution for ambitious technology workers is to go further afield. Political will from Indian politicians is sorely needed to retain them and make use of their capabilities.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru
Many highly qualified scientists and engineers who have contributed a lot to America have left the US on their own, after seeing no future for themselves. They are very successful with their work elsewhere.
Name withheld by request