Christmas has become a global festival, spreading joy and happiness to people around the world. EPA
Christmas has become a global festival, spreading joy and happiness to people around the world. EPA

’Tis the season to be joyful, wherever you might be from

With reference to your story about the Dubai hotel building an eight-metre-long Sheikh Zayed road made of gingerbread and chocolate (December 13), many of my childhood memories are associated with Christmas. I still remember how back home in Ahmedabad in India, my older sister used to take me along with her children to a shopping mall on Christmas Eve to take us to meet Santa. There were lots of decorative lights and snowflakes all over. It was as if some magic was in the air all around lighting up the entire universe.

Being in the UAE over the past 14 years, I have witnessed people from all countries celebrating Christmas and participating with enthusiasm in all festive events. Christmas decorations appear almost everywhere in the country. It’s mesmerising.

I in turn have been taking my daughter regularly every year to Christmas celebrations. She was overwhelmed with the spirit and magic of this festival. The markets are especially worth a visit, filled with gifts, ornaments, sweets and much more. For this reason I feel Christmas has become a global festival, spreading joy and happiness to people around the world.

Lamiya Siraj, Abu Dhabi

A long-term vision is apt for a forward-looking country

I write to you in reference to the article UAE leaders launch Golden Jubilee masterplan for nation's future (December 14): this is a laudable initiative to celebrate a historic moment for the UAE. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, should be praised for their forward-thinking vision. This shows that Emirati leaders are truly interested in the development of their country and its people. Planning their strategy for the next five decades is an impressive move. The leaders have demonstrated to the world that the UAE is focused on development and growth.

K Ragavan, Benguluru

Caddies should not have to pay simply for doing their job

I write to you in reference to Dominic Hart's story Patrick Reed's caddie banned from Presidents Cup after shoving spectator (December 14): in golf tournaments, spectators are sometimes too close to the athletes and can become abusive. Part of a caddie's job is crowd control.

Frank Johansen, New York