Ahmed Al-Humairi witnesses the Commemoration Day ceremony at the Ministry of Presidential Affairs in 2021. All photos: Wam

UAE public holidays 2022: When is the next day off?

The next holiday in the UAE is just around the corner as the country prepares to mark both Commemoration Day, an annual event to remember those who lost their lives in the line of service, and National Day.

Commemoration Day officially falls on November 30, but it has been marked with a public holiday on the following day in recent years - and that is being repeated this year.

Private sector holidays for National Day were confirmed on Friday, and public sector holidays were confirmed on Thursday.

When is the next public holiday in 2022?

Employees in the public and private sectors will get a long weekend at the beginning of December.

Thursday, December 1, will be an official holiday to mark Commemoration Day, followed by National Day, on December 2.

These fall on a Friday and Saturday this year, and with Sunday off, employees will be back to work on Monday, December 5.

The official announcement on National Day holidays was made on Thursday.

How many public holidays are left this year?

Commemoration Day and National Day in December will be the last potential long weekend off.

Commemoration Day is held every year to recognise the dedication and sacrifices of the UAE’s military and civilian service people, and to honour those who lost their lives while serving the country.

In 2023, the first public holiday is likely to be in April for Eid Al Fitr, when residents can expect a four-day weekend.

UAE public holidays: in pictures

Dignitaries and citizens attend the 45th UAE National Day celebrations held at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre in 2016. Photo: Crown Prince Court — Abu Dhabi
Updated: November 18, 2022, 9:40 AM