An Abu Dhabi motorist has been made to perform community service after being caught driving over a roundabout. The Emirati was caught on camera going the wrong way around the roundabout then speeding through its flowerbed in a stunt. In a video shared by police, he is later seen sweeping up the road around the area. He is seenplanting new grass and flowers. His face does not appear fully in the video, but he looks serious at work in a pair of sandals and rolled up trousers. The offender was sentenced to community service instead of time in jail. “The law will take action against reckless drivers. They will be caught, their cars will be confiscated and they will face legal action,” said Captain Mohammed Al Eisaei, from Abu Dhabi Police. Motorists have been warned not to cover their number plates to avoid detection or modify cars without acquiring the licence to do so – or face a Dh2,000 fine, 23 black points and their cars confiscated for 60 days. Ahmad Abdulazeem, a criminal lawyer in Abu Dhabi, said community service has proven to be effective against young drivers. He was involved in the case of a 19-year-old Emirati who was sentenced to clean the streets after being caught racing on a busy main road. “He thought he would be ordered to paying a fine - which he did not mind that much," he said. But on being told he would have to perform manual work, “that really affected him". “After having to wear a worker's overall and clean the streets with his own hands, he became a different person," said Mr Abdulazeem. "You can tell from the way he spoke and how he vowed to never do it again. "When a person knows that they will have to personally undo any damage they cause, and will have to perform such hard work for their reckless actions, they will think twice."