Man posed as social aid worker to impress women, UAE court told

ABU DHABI // A man who posed as a government social aid employee to gain popularity and to impress woman has been referred to the Court of Misdemeanours.

The 30-year-old broadcasted an ad through his BlackBerry Messenger that he worked at a certain government organisation and that he was in charge of applications for social aid and job opportunities.

When police sources learnt of the man's activities he was investigated and then arrested.

He confessed to prosecutors and has been referred to the court for punishment.

Top financial tips for graduates

Araminta Robertson, of the Financially Mint blog, shares her financial advice for university leavers:

1. Build digital or technical skills: After graduation, people can find it extremely hard to find jobs. From programming to digital marketing, your early twenties are for building skills. Future employers will want people with tech skills.

2. Side hustle: At 16, I lived in a village and started teaching online, as well as doing work as a virtual assistant and marketer. There are six skills you can use online: translation; teaching; programming; digital marketing; design and writing. If you master two, you’ll always be able to make money.

3. Networking: Knowing how to make connections is extremely useful. Use LinkedIn to find people who have the job you want, connect and ask to meet for coffee. Ask how they did it and if they know anyone who can help you. I secured quite a few clients this way.

4. Pay yourself first: The minute you receive any income, put about 15 per cent aside into a savings account you won’t touch, to go towards your emergency fund or to start investing. I do 20 per cent. It helped me start saving immediately.
