Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries. The cemetery is not big enough to bury people killed by bombings and the coronavirus, he says.
The body of a coronavirus victim inside an ambulance in front of Idlib’s al-Ziraa hospital in Syria. All photos by Abd Almajed Alkarh / The National.
Three members of the White Helmet pick up two bodies at Idlib’s al-Ziraa hospital before bringing them to the cemetery.
The ambulance arrives at the Salqeen cemetery in northwestern Syria. The body of a young woman who died from Covid-19 will be buried.
Friends and family gather to offer prayers at Salqeen cemetery after the death of a loved one.
Three White Helmet volunteers gently place the body of Ghada Ismael inside a grave in northwestern Syria’s Salqeen cemetery.
Friends and relatives of Ghada Ismael bury her body. The 25-year-old woman died from Covid-19.
White Helmet members look at the friends and relatives of the victim.
White Helmet volunteer Ahmed El-Masry at his home in Idlib city, playing with his children.
White Helmet volunteer Ahmed El-Masry at his home in Idlib city, playing with his children.
Idlib’s tombstones stretch as far as the eye can see, bathed in a soft orange light as the sun sets on the horizon.
Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries.
Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries. He never expected to bury so many people.
Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries. The cemetery is not big enough to bury people killed by bombings and the coronavirus, he says.
The body of a coronavirus victim inside an ambulance in front of Idlib’s al-Ziraa hospital in Syria. All photos by Abd Almajed Alkarh / The National.
Three members of the White Helmet pick up two bodies at Idlib’s al-Ziraa hospital before bringing them to the cemetery.
The ambulance arrives at the Salqeen cemetery in northwestern Syria. The body of a young woman who died from Covid-19 will be buried.
Friends and family gather to offer prayers at Salqeen cemetery after the death of a loved one.
Three White Helmet volunteers gently place the body of Ghada Ismael inside a grave in northwestern Syria’s Salqeen cemetery.
Friends and relatives of Ghada Ismael bury her body. The 25-year-old woman died from Covid-19.
White Helmet members look at the friends and relatives of the victim.
White Helmet volunteer Ahmed El-Masry at his home in Idlib city, playing with his children.
White Helmet volunteer Ahmed El-Masry at his home in Idlib city, playing with his children.
Idlib’s tombstones stretch as far as the eye can see, bathed in a soft orange light as the sun sets on the horizon.
Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries.
Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries. He never expected to bury so many people.
Abdul Mohsen Latif is a gravedigger in one of Idlib’s cemeteries. The cemetery is not big enough to bury people killed by bombings and the coronavirus, he says.