Man hit over the head with block of wood in financial dispute

DUBAI // A man who gave another a brain haemorrhage after beating him over the head with a block of wood will spend a year in jail after losing his appeal.

The Nigerian man hit the victim, whose nationality and age were not available in court records, following a financial dispute that turned violent.

On May 26 last year, officers at Al Rafaa police station received a report about a fight and that the victim had been taken to hospital where he underwent an emergency life-saving operation.

"We collected evidence from surveillance cameras and saw a number of men carrying the victim in a lift. Another clip showed one man dragging the victim as he tried to escape, then striking him on the head with a wooden block," a police officer said.

The attacker was identified and arrested the same day. During questioning the Nigerian, 29, told officers he hit the victim in self defence.

"He said that the victim initiated the assault and he grabbed the object from his hand and hit him with it and when the victim fell unconscious on the floor, he threw the block away and ran away," the officer said.

A medical report said the victim now needs constant medical care because of the severity of his injuries.

The defendant denied a physical assault charge at Dubai Criminal and Appeal Courts, however he was convicted by both and sentenced to a year in jail to be followed by deportation.