A restaurant in Sharjah was shut after a video showing raw and cooked meat stored together on the kitchen floor appeared on social media. The video of the venue, in Khor Fakkan, revealed two buckets of raw chicken fillets placed beside a skewer of shawarma meat propped up against the wall. "The restaurant was closed immediately by the Department of Economic Development, in collaboration with the municipality, after police received a complaint about the violations," Fawzia Al Qadi, of Khor Fakkan Municipality, told Arabic-language newspaper<em> Al Khaleej</em>. She said the restaurant was also fined over the breach of health and safety rules. <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/restaurants-across-dubai-to-be-forced-to-display-hygiene-ratings-1.826923">An initiative was launched in Dubai</a> in February that forced restaurants to display their hygiene ratings at the front of their premises. The Food Watch Connected programme was launched by the emirate’s food safety department to encourage businesses to improve hygiene. In 2017, almost 100 <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/almost-100-dubai-food-outlets-closed-for-breaking-hygiene-rules-1.610642">restaurants in Dubai were shut down</a> for failing to meet basic minimum health and safety standards.