DUBAI // Dozens of cinema patrons were asked to leave a screening of the action movie Escape Plan halfway through after Arabic curse words were spoken by one of the characters.
Customers at the Ibn Battuta Mall’s Grand Cinema were refunded the cost of their tickets after the film was halted on Saturday.
“On Saturday afternoon we issued a directive to all our theatres to halt the 4.30pm screening of Escape Plan, following the request of the Dubai Media Council to remove certain words,” said Anita Nasr, spokeswoman for Gulf Film, the parent company of Grand Cinemas.
“The concerned words were censored immediately, revisions supplied to theatres and the movie was back in session for the following show at 7pm.”
Tunggul Parlindugan, who was in the theatre at the time, posted on Twitter: “I was there when the movie show suddenly stop by theatre staff.”
The film, rated 18+, is still showing but has been further censored.
It is on general release and stars Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger as two prisoners who plot an escape from a futuristic prison.