French climber Alain Robert reaches the top of a building on Monday. AF
French climber Alain Robert reaches the top of a building on Monday. AF

French Spiderman scales skyscraper while calling for peace in Gaza

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The stuntman known as the French Spiderman has climbed a Paris skyscraper to continue his call for peace in Gaza and Israel.

Freeclimber Alain Robert, 61, scaled the Tour Total building in Paris’s La Defence business district.

It is the second time in two weeks that he has scaled a building to call for peace in the Middle East.

He has climbed more than 170 buildings, including Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.

Mr Robert climbs with no harness, meaning only his hands and a pair of climbing shoes separate him from a deadly fall.

After his October 23 climb up the Tour Hekla, a building about 1km from the Tour Total, he called on Instagram for “urgent peace [talks] between Israel and Gaza”.

Alain Robert scaled the Tour Total with a message of peace. AFP

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict’s latest spike in violence is now entering its second month.

Updated: November 06, 2023, 7:29 PM