A Saudia flight from Jeddah to Manchester circled the skies above the English city for four hours on Thursday after reporting a flap issue. Flight SV123 between the two destinations has an average flight time of about six hours according to <a href="https://www.flightradar24.com/SVA123/e288fe5">Flightradar24.com</a>. It departed Jeddah at 3.55am local time and was due to land at 8.30am. However, pilots of the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner reported a flap problem and the aircraft was put in a holding pattern over the English countryside for four hours. Aviation followers kept a close eye on the situation on Twitter, hoping that the plane would make a safe landing. After burning fuel, the Dreamliner made its approach to land. And it safely touched ground at 12.30pm to the applause of onlookers at the airport.