Abu Dhabi International Airport has launched a UAE-wide competition for artworks that respond to the question: "How will we travel in the future?" Called the #ArtPortChallege, it is open to artists and amateurs of any nationality and anyone above the age of 6. A total of nine winners from three categories – children, teenagers and adults – will be chosen and their works will be exhibited across 70 outdoor billboards at the airport. Winners will also have the opportunity to showcase their works at a specific event at the French Pavilion during <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/transport/expo-2020-dubai-is-a-beacon-of-hope-as-thousands-of-deals-to-bring-the-world-to-the-uae-are-signed-1.1223816">Expo 2020</a> Dubai in October. The competition has been organised by the Institut Francais in the UAE, advertising company JCDecaux, Abu Dhabi Airports Company and BB Media. Xavier Chatel, French ambassador to the UAE, said the project aims to "encourage cultural creation and to foster the emergence of talents" while highlighting aspects of "culture, art and innovation", which he says are "major themes that will be displayed at the French Pavilion during Dubai Expo". Applications must be submitted to the Institut Francais via email before Saturday, June 26. The winners will be announced via an opening ceremony on French National Day, Wednesday, July 14. The day also marks the 50th anniversary of the Emirati-French friendship. The French Pavilion at the Expo 2020 is set to focus on France's gastronomic and cultural assets as well as its innovations. The visitor experience will include a promenade featuring two artistic exhibitions, one a series of sculptures and furniture from Sepand Danesh, an Iranian-born French artist. The second will showcase textile innovations by art association lille3000, presenting a panorama of the textiles of tomorrow in seven capsules dotted along the promenade. More information on the #ArtPortChallenge can be found on the <a href="http://www.institutfrancais-uae.com/artport-challenge">Institut Francais' UAE website</a>.