Scores of Dubai residents were temporarily left without internet on Tuesday while Du experienced an outage. Du users across the emirate took to Twitter to register complaints with the telecommunications company, which said technical experts were investigating what had happened and apologising for the inconvenience. The internet blackout affected residents in areas including Sports City, Mirdif, Dubai Marina, Town Square, and Jumeirah Village Circle. “My home internet is down!” said Khalil Mir. Others said the customer support numbers were also not working. “The internet is down in the Mirdif area, please resolve the issue,” Paolo Reataza tweeted to Du. “Your customer hotlines are down as well.” About an hour later, Du tweeted that services had resumed as normal and asked users to restart their broadband routers. "We are pleased to inform our customers that the fixed line broadband disruption experienced earlier today was resolved within 20 minutes, and services have been restored back to normal. We apologise for any inconvenience caused," Du said in a statement to <em>The National</em>. But many users said they had yet to be able to reconnect to the internet. “No they are not [working]!” said Emin Musakhanov. “We still don’t have internet in the Marina. Please fix it!”