DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 16 DECEMBER 2020. Gamer Safi Zahid at his home. (Photo: Reem Mohammed/The National) Reporter: Section:
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 16 DECEMBER 2020. Gamer Safi Zahid at his home. (Photo: Reem Mohammed/The National) Reporter: Section:

Abu Dhabi University ties up with twofour54 to train students to become game developers

Abu Dhabi University and twofour54, the capital's media free zone, have joined hands to train students to become professional game developers.

The partnership will help to train students in AI, game development and coding skills to become qualified game developers and increase their employability.

The additional gaming qualifications will be earned alongside main degrees.

Unity Technologies, a video game software developer and partner of twofour54, will train ADU's teachers.

"Video game development is a highly skilled career, and because of the growth in the region's industry, there is high demand for certified professionals," said Michael Garin, chief executive of twofour54.

“The agreement will place skilled ADU graduates into the private sector by introducing them directly to Abu Dhabi companies located in the twofour54 free zone.”

The partnership aims to develop Abu Dhabi as a leading gaming hub in the UAE and the region.

Gaming is the most profitable form of entertainment in the world, with the industry split into mobile games, e-sports streaming, console purchases and more.

Worldwide, the gaming industry is worth $148.8 billion (Dh547 billion), while in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena), the industry is valued at $4.8 billion – 3 per cent of the global total, according to Newzoo, a company that provides games and e-sports analytics and market research.

But Mena's gaming industry is on course to show the strongest growth rate in the world. It is expected to grow by 12 per cent in the next two years.